Thai massage is both an art and a science and has been practiced since ancient times. From the beginning it was an instinct and survival art. When the body was in pain, someone nearby simply rubbed the evil area until the pain went away. In this way, they learned from the body which massage was most effective.
Swedish & Thai Deep Tissues Massage
The purpose of deep tissue massage is to target the inner layers of muscles as well as tendons, and fascia, which is the dense connective tissue of our body. The same stroking and kneading techniques are used in deep tissue massage as used in Swedish massage but a lot more pressure is applied.
Hot Herbal Compress
Hot Herbal Compress are very popular in Thailand, can be obtained virtually everywhere, and popularity is rapidly increasing in Western countries.
Hot Stone Therapy
The hot stone massage can be described as alternative therapeutic therapy that includes bodywork incorporating the application of certain cold or heated stones on the whole body with the aim of healing, relaxation and pain relief.